The El Paso & Southwestern Flyer is the publication of Southwest Chapter of the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society based in El Paso, Texas. Our members are from across the United States and Australia. To better serve our members we are instituting an internet page to show them when the last issue of the El Paso & Southwestern Flyer was issued. If you do not have any issue please use the Contact button on this site to reach the current editor.
Month Date Issued Description of the Image of Interest Article(s)
May 2022 SP 3506 at El Paso coaling tower 10-18-47 1. Southern Pacific Box Car 115497.
June 2022 ASARCo GE #5 by Brian Griebewow 3-25-74 1. Thanks To Those who made the
El Paso Train Show a Success.
2. Madden Texas Collision of June 23, 1897.
3. In Memory of David W. Scruggs.
July 2022 SP 4449 on the Santa Fe mainline with the 1. The Lost Locomotive by Vernon Glover
Freedom Train by Bill Lewis
August 2022 Hachita Depot Jan 21, 1962 1. The Reasons for 3420’s construction for the
by Henry Bender Jr. El Paso & Northeastern.
2. Lubricating 3420 for Movement. Pt. 1.
3. San Antonio Division Brakeman Rescue’s 10-Year-Old.
September 2022 Nov 1942 Southern Pacific Bulletin Cover 1. Lubricating 3420 for Movement Pt. 2.
2. T. & N.O. Veteran W.D. Calhoun Wins a Carnegie Medal.
October 2022 PD #4 At Separ Jan 11, 1978 1. Lubricating 3420 for Movement Pt. 3.
2. An Unknown Visitor to El Paso Union Depot.
November 2022 El Paso PCC 1514 Sept. 4, 1952 1. Private Moore’s Family and a Southern Pacific Ad in 1943.
2. The Noble Cause of Saving Lives,
50 Years of Operation Lifesaver Pt. 1.
Thanksgiving Day Special
December 2022 12/12/2022 EPSW #1 from the SP Bulletin Jan 1954 1. The Noble Cause of Saving Lives,
50 Years of Operation Lifesaver. Pt. 2.
2. Rating of Engines in “M”s on the Southern Pacific.
Holiday Special 12/25/2022
January 2023 1/09/2023 AT & SF 4-8-2 #3715 March 13, 1953 at El Paso 1. Those Who Saved El Paso & Southwestern #1.
by Stan Kistler 2. The Effect of Throttle Position on Locomotive Water Level.
February 2023 2/06/2023 AT & SF 3160 1. The Gadsden Purchase 1854. By Gerald Hook
2. What is in a Historical Date?
March 2023 3/07/2023 AT&SF 3507 1. Our Santa Fe Waycars.
2. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Freight Tracer Form 112-A
Postcard. Jeff Moore and Gerald Hook
April 2023 4/12/2023 Defiance Coal 1 & 2 near Gallup by Ron Welch 1. Train Show Results
2. Southern Pacific’s former Back Shop Building in
Sparks, Nevada.
May 2023 5/11/2023 Southern Pacific 4-10-2 5028 passing Tower 6 1. Seeing Blue on the Railroad. ( Railroad Blue Flag Rules)
near El Paso Union Depot March 1949. 2. Southern Pacific 4-10-2 Q&A.
June 2023. 6/14/2023 N de M Alco S1 5004 Switching in Juarez Mexico 1. Defective Motive Power; Inspection of Trains; The
Westinghouse Brake; Miller Platform and Virtues of the
Vestibule by F. P. Roesch
2. Southern Pacific MW 7522
July 2023 7/23/2023 High School Track workers in WWII 1. The San Marcial Locomotives of 1949.
2. Southern Pacific El Paso Division Superintendent
C. R. Morrill Hosts the Boy Scouts.
August 2023 8/31/2023 Former Southern Pacific Engineer 1. Discovering the History of Southern Pacific 3420
and 3420 supporter Alex Eason. and the Missing Mechanical Records.
2. When did Engineer Frank G. Lister come to El Paso?
3. Limiting the undesired Catastrophic Boiler Failure due
to Low Water Fusible Boiler Plugs by Robby Peartree
September/October 2023 10/8/2023 Altman studios View of the 1. A Trip Back in Time By George Bailey
El Paso & Southwestern erecting shop floor 2. El Paso’s G.H.&S.A. Shop Class 2 Repair Record?
2-6-2 in the foreground. by Matt Austin and Robby Peartree
3. “I’d Rather be in Jail in El Paso, Than a Millionaire in
Arizona.” The story of Building the Bisbee Road to El Paso.
Part 1 by Robby Peartree
November 2023 11/27/2023 Albuquerque, New Mexico. Magnaflux inspector 1. Helping Travelers in a National Emergency, the Travelers Aid Service.
A.J. Fry at work on an engine wheel axle in the By Gerald Hook and Robby Peartree
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad shop.
December 2023 1/7/ 2024 Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the wheel shop 1. Christening Nacional de Mexico’s “El Paso Special”
of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad shop. By Robby Peartree and Gerald Hook
2. Our California Built Car, Southern Pacific Flat Car
SPMW 5683.
2024 El Paso & Southwestern Flyers
Month Date Issued Description of the Image of Interest Article(s)
January/February 2024 2/27/2024 Farm Security Administration-Office of War 1. A Dream/Passion for a Long Time
Santa Fe Railway Albuquerque 2. The Old Fashion Gun Powder Capitalist of
Warehouse/Storeroom Stein’s Pass, New Mexico, 1881 to 1900.
March 2024 4/5/2024 Southern Pacific 4171 on Display 1. Southern Pacific latter AC Type Locomotives
on June 20, 1937 at the Association vs Union Pacific’s Big Boys.
of American Railroads Convention 2. “I’d Rather be in Jail in El Paso, Than a Millionaire in Arizona”
held in Atlantic City New Jersey. The Story of the Building of the Bisbee Road to El Paso. Pt 2.
April/May 2024 5/14/2024 Grand Canyon Railway 29 on a test run and 1. Southern Pacific’s Story about the saving of a
Justin Tracey who is on the Canadian Pacific Bear known as “Hotfoot Teddy”
Final Spike Tour. 2. “I’d Rather be in Jail in El Paso, Than a Millionaire in Arizona”
The Story of the Building of the Bisbee Road to El Paso. Pt 3.
June 2024 Southern Pacific 3197, a GP40P-2 in Bicentennial Colors. 1. Summer Vacation. ( Historic Travel Ads from El Paso Papers)
2. Two Former Southern Pacific, Rio Grande Division, Steam
Locomotive Double Head, Forty Years Ago in El Paso, Texas.
(SP 4449 and 3420)
3. See Your Grandchild using the Parcel Post.
( Mailing children under 50 lbs. before WWI)
July 2024 NdeM 4-8-2, 3200 photographed on the 5th of March, 1953 1. Modern Freight Trains Huge Affairs Compared to Trains of
in Juarez, Mexico 25 Years Ago. (September 25, 1913 El Paso Herald Post Article)
2. Largest Freight Train Brought to El Paso Arrives Over G.H. & S.A.
(October 2, 1913 El Paso Herald Post Article)
3. Public Education on the use of Oil as Locomotive Fuel . (editorial)
4. Coal Burning Locomotive Operations in the Southwest
on the Southern Pacific.
August 2024 1939 image shows a scene of Denver & Rio Grande 1. Stem Education, SP 3420 and Hydrostatic Lubrication. (editorial)
Western Rotary OM clearing the Cumbres Pass yard 2. Hydrostatic Lubrication. Counting the Rising Oil Drops Per Minute.
3. Train Number Boards and Operating Rules.
4. Remembering Vernon J. Glover 1937-2024
September/October 2024 October 12, 1981 Houston Chronicle Photo 1. Sunset Limited Schedule and an Ad that you Probably Have not Seen.
of David Katuz operating interlocking tower 2. Staying on the Rails in 1907. A Tragic Cornfield Meet east of Lordsburg,
No.17 at Rosenburg, Texas New Mexico would change how Legal Cases were Awarded under New
Mexico Law in El Paso, Texas.
3. A El Paso Harvey House Restaurant Story.
November/December 2024 Santa Fe dynamometer car 29 behind Santa Fe 1. El Paso & Southwestern Pay Train Adventures of September 1907.
4-8-4 3752 during the testing of the poppet valve 2. El Paso’s Hospitality to Servicemen in 1918. A Unique operation at
installation. El Paso Union Depot
3. Karen’s Flatcar. Solving SP Car Inventory Issues and Improving
Copper Refinery Operations.
This photo by Jack Nevills shows Southern Pacific 3420 under steam In September 1983 during the Amigo Air Show. This shows some of the long nights that can occur when working with a live steam locomotive.